Why Would I Keep Going To A Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For Over 20 Years?

If you happen to stumble upon Mount Maunganui Chiropractic’s google reviews, you will find many nice words left from individuals and families who have been coming to the clinic for over 10 or even 20 years.
Your first reaction may be, “I have to keep going for 20 years to get results?”. What are these guys on about?
Admittedly, that’s a fair question for those of you who juggle busy families and careers!
Whether you are new to Chiropractic, have just started care or only see your Mount Maunganui Chiropractor sporadically, you may have heard the following comments:
- Chiropractic is addictive, once you start going, you can’t stop because your body gets dependent on the adjustments;
- Chiropractors just want to bleed you dry by locking you into long-term care-plans;
- A few ‘cracks’ should fix the pain and then there’s no need to continue under care.
So, those patients of ours who have been coming to see us in the clinic for 10 or 20+ years… are they all addicts?! Are they broke?! Are they having to come because they’re still in pain?!
The short answer is, no.
That’s like saying you are addicted to brushing your teeth twice a day!
To understand why we have such loyal, long-standing patients, ask yourself why you choose to brush and floss daily?
- Is it to prevent gum disease?
- To keep your pearlers looking shiny and white?
- To avoid costly dentist bills?
- To maintain fresh breath?
- To avoid tooth pain?
- All of the above?
If you went to the dentist in massive pain, with yellow, stained teeth and a whole bunch of cavities (after years of not brushing) you would expect a significant and costly job to return your mouth to its original state of health; right?
And, if you invested thousands of dollars to restore your oral health, would you be more motivated to brush and floss to maintain your pearly whites?
So, the big question then becomes, why is your spine any different?
More often than not, new patients walk through our clinic doors because they are in pain and are suffering from significant health challenges. Many of them want or expect a ‘few cracks’ to get them out of pain and send them merrily on their way.
However, like your teeth, if your spine’s a mess and you’re in pain, then it’s likely that there is significant misalignment and degeneration in your vertebrae.
A Chiropractor can’t drill and fill the bones in your back! Initially, it can take some time to guide and restore the spine back to its normal curve and function.
So, once pressure has been taken off the nerves that are causing our patients’ pain, why would they continue to keep coming to see us?
Here are the Top 5 Reasons:
- They don’t want to go back to the way they felt, prior to starting Chiropractic care;
- They want to protect the investment they made into their spines, after having all of the corrective work done;
- They feel amazing getting regularly adjusted;
- They understand that just like brushing their teeth, their spinal health needs to be maintained; and
- One Chiropractic adjustment every 2-4 weeks (maintenance) is a lot cheaper than 3 visits per week (acute cases).
Notwithstanding all of these amazing reasons to stay under care, it’s important to us that our patients make the choice to keep coming back, because they want to. It’s your health, your body, your finances and absolutely your choice to decide how long you stay under our care at Mount Maunganui Chiropractic.
Dr. David Guest is a Doctor of Chiropractic, a member of the New Zealand Chiropractic Association, and owner of Mount Maunganui and Te Puke Chiropractic in the Bay of Plenty. Dr. Guest focuses on an area of chiropractic called Structural Correction and has been in practice for 17 years. You can reach Dr. Guest at david@mtchiro.co.nz or (07) 574 3099.
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Mount Maunganui Chiropractic
2A Tui Street
Mount Maunganui
Tauranga, 3116
(07) 574 3099