Wellness Care Is Important

Just because you don't feel sick, does not mean you feel as great as you could. Far too many people wait until they are sick to find a chiropractic clinic in Mount Maunganui. As you can imagine getting well is different for everyone of us. We have all had different life experiences - some good, some not so good and we thus have individual health problems to deal with. It's difficult to be involved in regaining your own health if you don't know what the problem is or you are unsure of the next step to take in regaining full function and normality to your life. Therefore we talk a lot about education, ergonomics, exercise and nutrition.
We hold a fortnightly 'Spinal Health Talk' that you, your family and friends will be invited to; we'll cover the causes of common health problems, anatomy & physiology of the body, and the healing process, including what you can do to be involved and take control of your health. You are also invited to find us on our Facebook page which is regularly updated with interesting facts, articles, links and events concerning the health of you and your family.
How Lifestyle Affects Overall Wellness in Mount Maunganui
The decisions we make and the actions we take in each moment of our day affect our bodies and can slowly produce problems that may not show symptoms. What we eat, how we sit, the work that we do with our bodies, and even the way we emotionally react to a situation, can have long-term impacts on our wellness. If you spend your days sitting at a desk, the way you hold your head or place your arms can have a major impact, not only on your neck and shoulders, but also on your whole body.
This is because the bundle of nerves that sends messages to every other part of our body, originates in our spinal column. When vertebrae become misaligned there are dozens of possible impacts upon our health. This also goes for how we hold emotions in the body. If we are chronically tensing our shoulders due to stress or anxiety, this can once again impact the spine and the rest of the body. As you can see, even if we don't feel sick, we may be in need of a little extra care to prevent daily activities from becoming more severe problems.
Why We Need Wellness Care
Health can be defined as the body functioning properly rather than just feeling good. You may not feel sick today, but if your nervous system is being impeded from sending messages to other organs and systems in the body, things may not be working as well as they could be. Through a regular wellness care program that works to restore spinal health and mobility, people often find that they have more energy and do not get sick as often. When the nervous system is functioning properly, the benefits are endless. Digestion, blood flow, lung capacity, heartbeat, skin tone, and overall mobility are just some of the body’s functions that are positively impacted by a spine that is properly aligned.
Chiropractic Treatment as Part of a Wellness Care Plan
Chiropractic treatments work to keep the integrity of the nervous system intact and are an excellent choice as a part of a wellness care plan. Regular, gentle adjustments can ensure that the daily impacts of your life are not wearing your health down over time. By performing a thorough evaluation of your health history and current physical state, a chiropractor can help you detect problems before they develop into a more serious issue, keeping you at peak function and feeling great.
At Mount Maunganui Chiropractic we recommend (just like your dentist does), regular check ups to make sure your central nervous system that is controlling your healing and body is working properly inside a fully functioning spine.
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Mount Maunganui Chiropractic
2A Tui Street
Mount Maunganui
Tauranga, 3116
(07) 574 3099