Mount Maunganui Chiropractic Blog

chiropractic care for back pain

A Pain In The Butt! Piriformis Syndrome And How Chiropractic Helps Time And Time Again

A Pain In The Butt! Piriformis Syndrome And How Chiropractic Helps Time And Time Again Commonly confused with sciatica, piriformis syndrome in Mount Maunganui causes similar pain in the lower back and buttocks that often extends down the back of the leg and into the foot. It is caused when the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic…

Does It Hurt To Get Adjusted?

Does It Hurt To Get Adjusted?

Does It Hurt To Get Adjusted? This question is one I hear relatively often in my 2 clinics….and one that I would like to discuss in detail (even though the answer is no) here. The question is, “Do chiropractic adjustments hurt?” To someone who knows nothing about Chiropractic, it’s a valid question that they deserve…

Why is Everything Spinning? Help For Vertigo And Other Dizziness Disorders!

Why is Everything Spinning? Help For Vertigo And Other Dizziness Disorders!

Why is Everything Spinning?Help For Vertigo And Other Dizziness Disorders! For those of you who suffer from dizziness, motion sickness, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, you know it’s not a pleasant experience whatsoever. These conditions drastically affect the quality of life someone is able to live. For some, it’s just being a passenger in a…

are you looking for a top chiropractor

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Mount Maunganui?

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Mount Maunganui? Have you ever wondered how many years your Mount Maunganui chiropractor went to school for or how their education compares to that of other health care professionals? Knowing your doctor’s educational background and additional certifications is often essential to helping you choose the health…

chiropractic care for back pain

Mount Maunganui Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Mount Maunganui Chiropractic Care for Back Pain Back pain, especially lower back pain, is a constant for many people in Mount Maunganui and around the world. Chiropractors have always been known as “back pain doctors” to a certain degree, and while they can treat a much wider range of ailments, this moniker is certainly true.…

Why Would I Keep Going To A Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For Over 20 Years?

Why Would I Keep Going To A Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For Over 20 Years?

Why Would I Keep Going To A Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For Over 20 Years? If you happen to stumble upon Mount Maunganui Chiropractic’s google reviews, you will find many nice words left from individuals and families who have been coming to the clinic for over 10 or even 20 years. Your first reaction may…