Mount Maunganui Chiropractic Blog
Could Chiropractic Care Help Your TMJ in Mount Maunganui
Chiropractor in Mount Maunganui Talks about Chiropractic Care and TMJ Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (a.k.a.: TMJ, TMJ Disorder, Temporomandibular Disorder, TMD) is a collection of (mostly painful) symptoms that are created or perpetuated by a dysfunctional temporomandibular joint. We often see these sorts of problems present to our clinic in Mount Maunganui. The TMJ is one…
Chiropractor in Mount Maunganui Talks about Headaches
Chiropractor in Mount Maunganui Talks about Headaches Headaches are an unfortunate part of daily life for thousands and thousands of people. Some headaches only happen occasionally, some happen frequently, some are dull and throbbing and others are sharp and intense. Headaches have many different causes, but just about all of them cause some sort of…
The Role Chiropractic Care in Mount Maunganui Plays in Adult Scoliosis
Staying Ahead of the Curve – the Role Chiropractic Plays in Adult Scoliosis Prevention and Correction in the Mount Maunganui Area Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness, postural deformity, and at times pain. It is called an idiopathic disease because the cause of it is unknown. Scoliosis is more common…
Chiropractic for Pregnancy in Mount Maunganui
Chiropractor for Pregnancy in Mount Maunganui There are over 6 million children born in the New Zealand, over 14% of these births come with some sort of complication. So, not only is labor painful enough, but there are always risks that may occur. There are several ways to minimize these risks, including exercise, proper nutrition,…
Mount Maunganui Chiropractor Talks About The Link between Headaches and Structure
Mount Maunganui Chiropractor Talks About The Link between Headaches and Structure Headaches can be a terrible interference and annoyance in your life and can often seem to come from nowhere. They at times can be debilitating and for those of us who have suffered from headaches in Mount Maunganui, you know that when your head…
How Do I Choose The Best Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For My Family and I?
How Do I Choose The Best Chiropractor In Mount Maunganui For My Family and I? Maintaining your overall health and staying pain-free for 2020 is the ultimate goal. One way that you can do this is by working with (and we are being biased here) the best Chiropractors in Mount Maunganui. There are a number…